- The Drive-In will operate only at 50% capacity to limit the number of cars and provide at least 7 feet of empty space in between each car. Back of pickup beds and SUVs with hatches open and lawn chairs are allowed. We ask that you stay around the area of your vehicle and maintain a 6-foot distance to other vehicles.
- Concessions are available, we have a limited menu (Candy, Popcorn, Pop, Beer). Credit Card only! We ask that only one person from each vehicle goes to the concession stands for purchase. Please maintain a 6ft social distance.
- Portable restrooms are available. They will be cleaned frequently per the CDC guidelines.
- While we cannot dictate the use of facemasks or face coverings, we always urge you and your family members to use face masks when you are out of your vehicle.
- Welcome to Elko Speedway & Elko Drive-In Movie Theater. All of us at Elko welcome you and your family and friends. We hope that you have the very best experience and totally enjoy your time here.In order for everyone to have the best time possible, please make yourself familiar with the rules and policies that are listed below. Please be respectful to other patrons of Elko and also the surrounding neighborhood.
- ALCOHOL. We want all guests of Elko to have the beverage or their choice and to drink responsibly. However, no outside/carry-ins of alcoholic beverages of any kind are permitted on Elko Property. No consumption of alcoholic beverages will be permitted without the following conditions:
- You must show proper identification to prove age. You must be 21 years of age or older to consume/purchase alcohol. No minor consumption of alcoholic beverages will be tolerated. If minor consumption is involved, Elko New Market Police will be called immediately.
- Any and all alcoholic beverages must be purchased at Elko.
- Alcoholic beverages must be consumed in Elko’s regulated liquor service area only.
- Elko may refuse to serve alcoholic beverages to any person for any reason.
- Elko may report any persons in violation of the alcohol policy to Elko New Market Police if we believe you are acting contrary to the law or in a manner which may endanger or disrespect yourself, others, or their property.
- If you are asked to leave because of an alcohol policy – no refunds will be available.
- Coolers are not permitted in the designated restricted race track area. Please obey the signs.
- LOUD NOISES. So everyone can enjoy their time at Elko, loud noises will not be allowed. When the movies start, Elko considers that “quiet time” and no loud noises are acceptable. Security will issue one warning for any excessive noise or to lower the volume on your sound system. The second incident will result in that “group” being asked to leave the premises. No refunds will be issued. Rule of thumb: if the vehicle next to you can hear you or your sound system then it is too loud.
- LIGHTS. Please no use of bright lights, flares, sparklers, fireworks, head lights, dome lights, etc. Anything that generates light will not be permitted. Lighting will be available around the parking areas and race track area to insure the safety of our patrons.
- BEHAVIOR. We want everyone to have the best experience possible. Our image will be shaped not only by our staff, drivers, teams, but our patrons as well. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has an excellent time but that we also create a safe and supportive environment for everyone while maintaining a wholesome, family oriented atmosphere. Each guest should act responsibly and be considerate of others. Remember, Elko is privately owned so patrons who fail to comply with Elko policy and rules after being warned will be asked to leave. No refunds are available if you are asked to leave. Below are some behavior guidelines:
- Please wear shoes, pants, and shirts at all times.
- No public urination will be allowed.
- No abusive language or contact will be allowed. Anyone exhibiting this behavior will be asked to leave the premises without a refund. If necessary, Police will be summoned.
- Be courteous and respectful of others around you and the surrounding neighborhood. Do not sit in aisles/walkways; be loud and/or disruptive to the people around you. Please use common sense.
- NO-SMOKING in/on Red Main Grandstands or Family Section, Smoking is permitted in designated areas, patrons may be asked to move to a designated smoking area if distrupting other patrons.
- Patrons caught throwing any items will be immediately removed from the property.
- Please help us by picking up after yourself. Garbage/Recycling cans are available all over the facility.
- All bags, purses, blankets, cars, etc. are subject to search. Prohibited items or contraband that is discovered during security inspections at any time will be confiscated. Unlawful items that are discovered during security inspections will be reported to the Police.
- PROHIBITED FROM THE DRIVE-IN: To ensure that all patrons have a safe and enjoyable visit to Elko Speedway and Elko Drive-In Theater, the following items, are examples but not limited, will not be permitted to be brought onto the premises:
- No carry-in or brought in alcoholic beverages.
- Glass containers
- Weapons
- Illegal drugs
- Fireworks, sparklers, flares, etc.
- Laser lights, etc.
- ALL PATRONS WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE PROPERTY BY 2AM. No overnight parking, tents, campers or camping is permitted. Our gates will be locked at 2am but will reopen at 9:00am the next day to allow for retrieval of vehicles.
- MISCELLEANOUS ITEMS. Below is a list of other rules and policies for Elko.
- There will be absolutely no re-admittance once you leave Elko. You will not be able to return.
- It is your responsibility to prove that you purchased a ticket. If you are asked to prove purchase you must be able to produce your ticket.
- Any person under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
- It is up to every individual to know the curfew laws. Anyone on Elko’s property under age, after curfew times without a parent or guardian, will be asked to leave without a refund.
- Articles found during an event will be turned into the lost and found at the Souvenir Stand.
- Handicap seating for racing is located at the bottom of the center grandstand with companion seating adjacent to this designated area.
- Children will NOT be allowed in Champions Bar after 11:00PM and will be asked to leave.
- PAYMENT FORMS. Elko accepts the following payments: Cash or Credit (MasterCard or Visa only); No checks accepted.
- PARKING. Parking is always free with a ticket in designated areas. Please allow our security team to show you were parking is located. Handicap and Disabled Parking is available in our designated areas. You must have your disabled parking pass issued by your state displayed in your window or on your license plate. Motorcycle Parking is located just east of the A frame office building. These special areas are clearly marked.
- EMERGENCIES. In case of an emergency, please find security personnel to assist you.
- LOST CHILDREN – Elko personnel will escort children whom become separated from their families to the souvenir stand until their families are located. If you are looking for your lost child, please find the nearest Elko Security personnel.
- FIRST AID – If you are in need of first aid and it is not a dire medical emergency, please contact Elko Security personnel for assistance. If it is a dire emergency have someone call 911, then alert Elko Security personnel.
- INCLEMENT WEATHER – Elko Security and Personnel will direct you in what to do in the case of inclement weather.
- SECURITY. Elko Security personnel will be stationed throughout the premises should you require assistance, please contact Security or the nearest Staff Member. Do not handle the situation yourself; our Security Staff is here to help. The appropriate person or agency will be dispatched to your location to assist you.
- Thank you for respecting our rules and policies. We know you will appreciate and understand why we need to detail and enforce these rules and policies. It is extremely rare that speedways and outdoor movie theaters even exist in this day and age. In order for Elko to continue to provide this experience, we need everyone to stay within these rules and policies to respect our neighbors and this amazing community of Elko New Market.
Thank you and have a great time.
Elko Speedway and Elko Drive-In Theater Staff.